More than just weddings …

Having the ability to easily change your DSLR camera into a DIY Photobooth is awesome for more than just setting up at your best friends wedding or starting your own event-based photobooth business.  Of course, SLR Booth works great as a traditional photo booth.  Whether it’s a wedding, birthday party, or corporate event, people love taking great photos of themselves when they’re all dressed up with their friends and having a good time.

But it’s so much more! A few ideas:

Family Photos: From Formal to Fun

Any parent with little kids knows it can be almost impossible to get a family portrait with everyone looking at the camera. But SLR Booth can engage those eyes with a live preview and countdown animation to improve the odds of a perfect shot.

Here at SLRBooth HQ, we use our portable setup for taking frequent family photos.  From pics for the annual Christmas card to first day of school to “oh my gosh they are growing so fast let’s take a picture of the family right now!!”, we find that we get far better quality photos than any time we’ve hired a professional to do an actual photo shoot.  Set it up at home. In the backyard.  At grandma’s.  At Christmas dinner.  Wherever your family is together and having fun.  Everyone enjoys it, and you will be THRILLED to have so many beautiful photos of your family having fun together.

Selfie Station: Fashion, Yoga, and more

Instagram has exploded with people sharing inspiration for fashion, fitness, yoga, and much more.  If you need to get high-quaility photos of yourself on a regular basis to keep your brand going, a photobooth setup using SLR Booth is perfect.  Capture your killer outfit every day before work and confidently post high-res, high-quality photos that your followers can enjoy.   Yoga your thing?  Inspire the rest of us by setting up your SLR camera and SLR Booth app in your studio (big or small!), extend the countdown so you have a bit more time to get into that headstand, and post away!  Why not use SLR Booth’s live preview to get your pose just right before you pull the trigger? Plus, once you’re happy with your shot, you can send it off to instagram right from the SLR Booth app!

Lighting Experimentation for Photographers

It can take a long time to master off-camera flash. Even with all the great learning resources available online these days, it still takes a lot of practice to nail down your lighting setups as a photographer. Once your family grows tired of being a test subject, you’ll usually resort to shooting photos of yourself. But this means adjusting your lighting settings, triggering the camera’s delayed shutter, running into position, then running back behind the camera to review the shot on a tiny LCD. With SLR Booth, you can position yourself in the frame, trigger the shot, and review the result on a much larger screen all without having to move.

Yes, Weddings.  And parties. Lots of parties!

Weddings are an obvious choice for a photo booth.  But with a photobooth using SLR Booth, you can set up a high-quality DIY Photobooth that allows you to bring a photobooth experience to more than just a wedding.  Any time people are together, a photobooth can add fun and capture those amazing memories.  Birthday parties (for kids and adults!), engagement celebrations, Christmas parties (lots of fun at corporate functions) … endless options.  People love getting great photos of themselves having fun, and especially being able to take home a printout at the end of the night.  You can do it all with SLR Booth!



  1. Hi..
    few questions with regards to the app.

    – works only with dslr? Can it work with the tablet’s camera?
    – hw to connect to printer?
    – can app be white labeled?

    Hear from you soon

    • For the time being it only works with a DSLR, but a few folks have been asking for the built-in camera, so we might add that in the future. As for printing, you can connect to a network printer in the settings menu. For custom branding, the app supports importing custom templates, but right now the UI can’t be customized.

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